How ivision & Quest Prioritize Security During Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures
Security is supremely important during any acquisition, merger, or divestiture. Organizations need to start off on the right foot and approach security perpetually rather than as a one-time consideration.
When approaching a many-into-one model for an M&A or a greenfield for a divestiture, this event is a perfect opportunity to assess what security model works best for the resulting organization. This transition is the prime time to establish policies, evaluate impacts to the user experience, and de-risk to ensure everything is securitized when it’s time to for migration.
Active Directory security is a crucial piece of this puzzle. Installing tools that allow for granular visibility into your directory is imperative, especially due to the volume of threats and threat actors searching for social engineering opportunities. Any misconfiguration in your on-premise Active Directory leaves room for exposure in your hybrid environment, as well.
Learn more about ivision’s solutions and our partnership with Microsoft. Our Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Playbook offering focuses on this area exclusively, ensuring a solution designed to uniquely align with specific business goals, timelines, and priorities. Contact us today to get in touch with experts like Michael and John for your MA&D needs!