Engineer Spotlight – Mike Sforza

Favorite ivision Client Engagement Value: “I live with gratitude, have a great attitude and am genuinely interested in the success of our clients.”
This is my favorite because it is in within this value that all others get included. You need to have this value to properly provide all the others.
What inspired you to become an Engineer?
Believe it or not, I went to college for Psychology because I love to help others. I got involved in IT because it’s something I became passionate about and realized that I could work within IT and still help others, even if it’s through a different avenue.
Mike’s Career Journey
I feel it’s been a long but rewarding journey. I love that I found ivision, as it’s the organization I always wanted to be a part of but just was about to give up searching for because I had never seen it until joining. Everyone here at ivision is top notch and awesome on every level imaginable.
What is your favorite part of the job?
The people above all. I also enjoy the fact that it never gets boring and I’m constantly learning new things every day.
What’s a fun fact about yourself that others might find interesting?
I am an avid NHL fan (go New York Rangers) and I have been playing guitar since I was 13 (not professionally lol).
What do you like to do outside of work?
Spend as much time with my kids as possible. I have my boy Michael Jr, who is going to be 13 in May, and my daughter Kathleen, who will be 11 in July.