
Trusted IT Partnership for International Pest Control Company

Rollins has partnered with ivision since 2014 for consulting services and more recently began leveraging their 24/7 managed services.

“In IT today we are as dependent on our business partners as we are on our employees… it’s important to me that we do business with companies that share the same values and culture.”

Lee Crump CIORollins


Rollins, Inc is an international holding company with an annual revenue of around $2 billion. They provide pest control services through their wholly owned subsidiaries, the largest and best-known being Orkin. Rollins has 14,000 employees in 500 offices throughout the continental United States. Internationally, they have company-owned locations in Canada, Australia, Great Britain and Singapore, and are franchised in an additional 50 countries worldwide.


Rollins has partnered with ivision since 2014 for consulting services and more recently began leveraging their 24/7 managed services. Lee Crump, CIO of Rollins, found that outsourcing to a managed services provider eliminated the struggle to retain qualified technical talent for necessary second- or third-shift systems coverage. As Crump says, “It has been a real lifesaver never having to worry about [24/7 coverage] again, so we are very pleased with our managed services agreement.”

Rollins relies on ivision to provide a long-term outlook and guidance for planning strategic projects. Because ivision offers the entire spectrum of information technology solutions and services, there is no need to switch providers for different service. As a result, Rollins has established a true partnership with ivision instead of simply a vendor relationship. Crump and his team value the shared trust and culture between the two companies and know that ivision will always place a premium on being a good partner.


Rollins trusts ivision to guide them and help make the right strategic business decisions. Crump appreciates his partnership with ivision because “they recognize that the long-term win for them is helping us do the right thing – and we both benefit from that arrangement.” ivision continues to provide 24/7 managed services, offering peace of mind to Crump and his team.

Rollins can rely on ivision to provide resources and subject matter expertise; however, they also trust ivision to be honest about projects that are not a good fit for the provider. “You can tell when you’re dealing with someone as to whether they’re putting their needs first or your needs first,” says Crump. “With ivision, I’ve never had any doubt that our needs are being put first.”

[bctt tweet=”“You can tell when you’re dealing with someone as to whether they’re putting their needs first or your needs first and with ivision, I’ve never had any doubt that our needs are being put first.” – Lee Crump, CIO, Rollins” via=”no”]

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