Penny Wars

Spring 2014 marked the second term for ivision’s internship program, as well as the second outreach project conducted by the interns in which they come up with a way for the company to give back to the community. The five interns were Michael Burtt, Krista Palmer, Taylor Harris, Chris Kennard, and Elizabeth Soroka. Together they came up with the idea to raise money for Atlanta Mission’s “Ending Homelessness Program” through a game called Penny Wars. Penny Wars is a way to raise money in which each team has a bucket, and pennies count for positive points while silver coins and dollar bills count for negative points. Hence, the competition lies within the teams playing against each other and putting more silver coins and dollar bills in each other’s buckets which helps raise more money. There were many very generous donations throughout the competition from ivision employees, and at the end of it all Chris Kennard’s team won with the most points, and Michael Burtt’s team raised the most money! Our donation of $1,000 dollars was matched by the Atlanta Homeless Outreach so overall, we donated $2,000 to Atlanta Mission’s Ending Homelessness Program. Needless to say it was a very successful project!
– Taylor Harris