Press Releases

ivision Launches New State and Local Government Practice, in Partnership with Cisco

March 24, 2017

Atlanta, GA — March 24, 2017 — ivision has formally entered the state and local government and education (SLED) sector by bringing on Matt Strohmeyer as Senior Account Executive for the growing business-to-government industry.

Strohmeyer has spent more than a decade helping state and local agencies find business solutions for making government operations more efficient, effective and secure. He spent eight years with AFIX Technologies, where he led sales of public safety software to law enforcement and corrections agencies.

He’ll bring that experience to ivision, which has been providing technology solutions to government entities since its founding in 2005, but without the structure of a formal practice. ivision is partnering with Cisco to build the new SLED practice, leveraging both its long-standing relationship with the hardware giant and Cisco’s experience in contracting with state and local governments.

“ivision is excited to formally enter the SLED industry. Our engineering excellence and consultative approach will make a real difference to SLED customers,” said David Degitz President and Chief Operating Officer of ivision. “This is a great opportunity to expand our business outside of the private sector and offer proven solutions to drive innovation in the public sector.”

The greatest opportunities lie in government’s need to improve security; efficiently manage and protect a growing trove of data; and improve information technology infrastructure that’s now essential to public agencies of all sizes.

“The public sector needs the kind of high-quality IT expertise and top-notch customer service that ivision offers,” Strohmeyer said. “Our new practice will benefit both ivision and the government agencies we’ll serve.”