
Communities in Schools

December 6, 2013

David Degitz was the keynote speaker at the third annual Communities in Schools Student Success Luncheon event in November. Communities in Schools is the largest dropout prevention program in the country. The annual event, held in in Marietta, celebrates the upcoming graduation of seniors who were on the verge of dropping out of school just a few short years ago. Business leaders (including several ivision employees) representing a wide range of professions network with the students encouraging them to continue on with their education. 

communities-in-schoolsDavid’s speech served to inspire students with his story of overcoming (many) obstacles in his youth and moving on to obtain success in sports, business and life. He asked the students to think about four key learnings from his life as they begin the journey of their own. First, think about the people I meet, the places I go and the books I read. Second, did I take enough risks? Third, did I leave a strong enough legacy in life? And finally, did I live enough in the moment?

Students were also given an etiquette lesson that focused on a business lunch setting. Followed by a fashion show that showcased affordable and appropriate attire for job interviews and the workplace.