

October 19, 2013

Fall 2013 marked ivision’s inaugural Internship Program. Our first set of interns are Krista Palmer, Michael Burtt, and Duc Tran. While developing this program, our human resources department asked our interns to participate in a local “community outreach” program of their choice. The three Georgia Tech Interns unanimously chose the Atlanta Food Bank “can drive.” The ivision staff response to this charitable gift giving was overwhelming and we were flooded with hundreds of cans to feed the hungry! What started out as a way to give back to the community turned into a creative outlet for our interns and staff alike.

cans-1The “Most Creative Structure” was awarded to Duc Tran’s team and “Most Cans Collected” to Krista Palmer’s team. The end result, we contributed 4,853 pounds of canned food providing 4,004 meals to those in need. 

-Lisa Sullivan