Sales Spotlight: Josh Walling

Favorite ivision Client Engagement Value: I communicate, behave and present myself in a professional manner to create a strong legacy for ivision.
It’s hard to pick a single value, but this value is one of my top favorites because of the framework it offers to anyone’s career. If someone follows this framework, they’re going to follow the rest of the ivision values naturally, including seeking to earn our clients’ trust for life.
Josh’s Career Journey:
Most of my career has been in Human Resources helping ivision and others attract and acquire our top talent. In many regards, I feel like I’ve grown up at ivision with our team.
HR is one of ivision’s key strengths as an organization and has been an amazing era of my career to be a part of that strength. More recently, ivision allowed me the opportunity to be a part of our Sales team to help IT executives explore how they can use ivision-powered talent and share ivision’s story with those in need of that world-class talent.
Favorite Part of the Job
Building, helping and sharing relationships throughout ivision and the community is my favorite part of the job. AND learning about how IT teams are using their technology stack to achieve their business goals.
Favorite ivision/Client Event:
My favorite ivision events are our ivision-hosted CIO/CISO Forums and Summits. These events are made up of IT and cybersecurity executives that meet on a quarterly and annual basis to discuss tech trends and challenges their peers are facing.
These are my favorite events because they leverage ivision’s relationships to help IT executives build their own relationships with their peers and share ideas with each other. We’ve seen lifelong friendships form from these events with relationships that extend beyond the IT department.
Community Involvement:
In the past year, I’ve been involved in TAG, Inspiredu and Riverkeepers. Most are technology-focused organizations because that’s where my passions are, but Atlanta is blessed with many different organizations that are helping the community in unique ways, such as protecting its natural resources for both current and future generations.
Fun Fact:
When I was seven years old, my dad and I went to a silent auction and kept getting outbid the entire time. The last item was up for auction, but we couldn’t see the item on the auction floor. We said screw it and got the winning big.
Turned out – we won a 1996 Olympic podium that’s still in the family.