ivision’s Community Commitment

ivision is proud to participate in 1% Pledge, allotting 1% of our work hours to volunteering and 1% of our profits to nonprofit organizations and charities. Needless to say, this makes National Nonprofit Day one of our favorite days of the year! All our team members do an incredible job prioritizing making a difference in their communities, but, for time’s sake, we’ll highlight just a few.
Beth Waller, Sr. Consultant at ivision
“As a member of Women in Technology (WIT), I knew I wanted to be a part of their Single Mothers Program, but I was concerned that mentoring would be too time consuming. I approached ivision about mentoring and they were 100% on board! I feel fortunate to work for a company that integrates philanthropy into the business culture. Not only does ivision support my desire to volunteer, but they have become a corporate sponsor so WIT can continue the amazing work they do for women in our community.”
Josh Walling, Account Executive at ivision
“I’m the Sponsorship Chair for TAG (Technology Association of Georgia) Cybersecurity, which seeks to support and educate the next generation of security professionals. Through this role, I guide sponsors through the opportunities available to partner with the society and our mission to support these up-and-coming cybersecurity rock stars. I also serve as the Security Chair for TAG Infrastructure, organizing the society across our meetings, communicating advances and areas where help is needed as we seek to bring awareness to the digital and IT infrastructure in Georgia that enables our state to lead the nation in areas of technology. I’m looking forward to our Data Center Summit to continue connecting with talented individuals throughout the industry.
As a member of the Advisory Board for Inspiredu, I serve on the Volunteer Committee to support the organization with increasing volunteers, volunteer opportunities and enhancing the volunteer experience.”
Courtney Simo, Sr. Account Executive at ivision

“I serve as the President for Atlanta Technology Professionals (ATP), a volunteer led nonprofit, professional networking organization focused on bringing technology professionals together through educational yet fun events! ATP’s mission is to connect, learn and give back. We do this through monthly events lead by industry specialist along with our signature events; Awards Gala (November), CxO Roundtable (March) and CIO Golf Tournament (May). Through these events, we are able to create a networking environment, learn something new from each other and give back our time and profits to our partner Inspiredu.
Engaging with the community was one of the big reasons that attracted me to joining ivision! ivision is a big believer in giving back to the community, and our team has supported my personal involvement with Atlanta Technology Professionals and Inspiredu. As a company, we are committed to giving back our time and resources through 1% Pledge.”
Briam Fachisthers, Principal Consultant at ivision

“We have been working with Sus Hijos for several years. This is a nonprofit organization in El Salvador which works with various orphanages, homeless programs and education/training institutions. This year, ivision was able to partner with Sus Hijos and provide much needed funds and clothing donations. With collaboration with two local churches, we were able to:
- Bring 16 people on our team to El Salvador [Two Churches]
- Raised over $4,000 for donations/material
- Collected over 800 lbs. of clothing/donation items
- Built a simple home for a family in need
- Visited four orphanages
- Played with over 300 orphans
- Feed 150-200 Homeless per night on four different nights
- Visited girl’s prison
- Visited impoverished neighborhood
- Took Transition Kids [Age out of Orphanage] for beach day “
Devin Nori, Content Writer at ivision
“When I first joined the ivision team, one of my immediate favorite parts of our culture was our commitment to better our community. I was also excited about the variety of organizations my colleagues worked with, opening endless opportunities to make a difference with different groups in different ways. One organization ivision led me to was Inspiredu, and in December 2021 I joined the Advisory Board, serving on the Marketing Committee. Inspiredu’s mission of closing the digital divide in the Atlanta community became even more urgent during the pandemic, and as technology continues to evolve, its important that everybody is equipped with the resources and opportunities to succeed using technology. My time with Inspiredu has introduced me to incredible people throughout the community and allowed me to serve alongside my ivision team members through different projects and events.”
At ivision, we pride ourselves on fostering a culture that contributes to the greater good. Sound like the kind of team you’re looking for? Check out our open positions here.